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Naming: how to name an electronics store


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Naming: how to name an electronics store

Do you think the name of the company affects the promotion of the product? After all, even in the cartoon “Treasure Island,” Captain Vrungel said this: “Whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.” This simple quote reveals the importance of naming in developing the brand of any company. After all, the consumer first evaluates the product precisely by the logo and its name.


The name also affects the popularity of the electronics store. A simple but interesting name will attract the target audience and be easy to remember. But before you start choosing an original name, you should study the market, analyze competitors and work through other stages of name development.

Main stages of naming

name-electronics-store 1. Target audience research

Developing a name requires careful study of the target audience. After all, one of the main tasks of naming is communication. The brand name individualizes the product, and the unique name and associations with it help promote the product. Therefore, it is important to understand who will buy the goods.


name-electronics-store 2. Market and competitor research

It is important to conduct an overview analysis of competitors - what names they have, what determines this choice of companies. This will allow you to find names that are already on the market, and will also help identify current naming trends. With this information, you can identify the strengths and weaknesses of electronics stores and develop an effective name for yourself that will allow you to stand out in the market.


name-electronics-store 3. Development of strategy and essence of the brand

At this stage, it is worth thinking through the idea and defining the brand values. After all, the name is the “soul” of the store. It positions the product and reveals the essence of the company.


name-electronics-store 4. Approval of technical and creative naming criteria

Very often, companies provide certain requirements for the development of names.




For example, technical aspects :

  • Name language

  • Word count

  • Specific requirements: umbrella name, presence of stop words

  • Classes of the international classification of goods and services

  • The need for a direct domain


Creative requirements :

  • Does the name reflect the positioning?

  • Is it necessary to highlight the company's activities?

  • Could the name be a neologism?

  • What thematic areas to use?



name-electronics-store 5. Name generation

At this stage, several possible names are being developed, from which the most suitable one will be selected in the future. Creative ideas, brainstorming, and the use of various naming methods and techniques are encouraged here.


name-electronics-store 6. Legal review

Selected names, if desired by the client, are tested in focus groups and are also checked in the trademark database according to the relevant classes of the International Classification of Goods and Services (ICGS).


This is exactly what the process of developing a name for an electronics store looks like in the WeLoveBrands studio. Our company goes through all these steps to create the best names for your brand.

Lifehacks for creating an effective name for an electronics store

The ideal name should be simple, memorable and at the same time convey the idea of the company. We have collected some tips for you that will help you develop an effective business name.

Top 5 tips on how to create a unique name

# 1 Conduct a competitor analysis

Analyzing your competitors as a first step will save you a lot of time in the future by knowing which names to avoid. It will also help you develop your own name for the store.

To make a qualitative analysis of competitors, answer the following questions :


  • What company or product values are conveyed in your competitors' brand names? How does naming position their brand?


  • Is there a general naming trend?


  • Which competitor came up with the best name? Why this one and how can I create an even better title?


Answering these questions and working through your competitors' names will allow you to understand which direction you should move in order to come up with an interesting and memorable name.

# 2 Focus on the store name, not its description

A typical mistake that most companies face is being too literal in their name using professional vocabulary. For example, such names as “Electronics”, “Powerful equipment”, “Starter”, “Roter” are considered unsuccessful; the target audience will not perceive them, because they are ordinary and do not stand out in any way.


To develop an effective name, use words and metaphors that convey information about your business and product values to customers at a logical level of perception. Try naming the electronics store something that reflects the story. For example, “Bender's Trophies”, “Know-How”, “Pixel-house”, “Kodak Aladdin”, “Jack of All Trades”.


Take, for example, an electrical business called Tesla Electric Company. The name pays tribute to Nikola Tesla, a scientist and inventor whom biographers call “the man who invented the 20th century.” Tesla made valuable contributions to the creation of various devices operating using alternating current.


# 3 Come up with a catchy title

Creating a memorable company name is not as easy as it seems. The name should hook the buyer, make a good first impression and be easy to remember. And here are a few ways to achieve this:

  • Use sound rhyme or alliteration (Solarix Systems, Emerald Electric, Spy Things).

  • Choose a word from a completely different category that conveys a certain idea to the target audience through a metaphor (Mercury, Pepper Express, Clean Energy).

  • Create a simple and understandable name (Electrobot, Goodki, Pulse, TechnoGuide).

# 4 Consider the specifics of your business

If you are the owner of a gadgets and accessories store, then focus on this when creating a name. For example, “Mobilewood”, “Smartstore”, “Gadget Market”, “”. And if you sell products through an online store, remember that the name should be quite simple to search in a browser (G-store, TechnoGuide, Rozetka).


# 5 Develop a unique name for your electronics store

You cannot copy any of the existing titles in your niche. Firstly, this is plagiarism, and secondly, there is a high risk that you will be confused with your competitors. At the stage of selecting names, enter each name into the search bar of your browser and check if it exists. After all, some of the names that come to your mind may already be taken.


The uniqueness of the name is as important as the company's reputation. There are a huge number of conventional “Kareks” companies, and if a potential client remembers the company, say, from a radio advertisement, he may well accidentally end up on someone else’s website. In addition, you may encounter problems with registering a trademark or even legal proceedings that may begin at the initiative of a company with the same name.

At the WeLoveBrands studio, specialists will develop a unique and original name for an electronics store that will sound good and be easy to remember. In the creation process, not only advertising and marketing rules are used, but also psychological factors.

Name for an electronics store: 6 common techniques

  • Use abbreviations

Many large companies use abbreviations instead of their full names - they are easier to remember. Take AOL (America Online) or BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), for example. Names such as Digital DIN, GIA (gadgets and accessories) are perfect for an electronics store.


  • Associated names

This is another simple naming technique. For an electronics store, you can include the words “electronics” or “electro.” For example, “Electron-n”, “Electric City”, “Electro Time”. Associative and original names also sound advantageous: Texet, Technomar, Vice Device, Video City, Communication Master, Energoquant.


  • Combinatorics or fusion

This is a technique in which the name consists of two words or the ending of one word leads to another. Think of two or three words that are associated with your business. Can they be combined in some way - in parts or completely? The following names are suitable for electronics stores: Radiomir, Photogadget, MicroStereo, MediaMarkt, Neoconnect.

  • Neologisms

Some brands use completely new words when creating their names. This makes the company unique and the name memorable. Such a name helps you stand out from your competitors, but, as a rule, it requires more effort and resources to create it. Successful examples: “Elex”, “Exion”, “Kareks”, “DIIZION”, “Virtus”.


  • Toponyms

When creating a name for an electronics store, you can use regional names or landmarks associated with the product or service. For example, “Center SPB”, “AudioKiev”, “Dneprotech”.

  • Superiority Method

The name uses superlatives: super-, mega-, hyper-. Thus, the name of the company “Hyper Trade” clearly demonstrates the main product and the scale of its activities. Indeed, this company is engaged in the retail trade of computer equipment. A similar technique is the use of hyperbole, when the properties or characteristics of a product are exaggerated. For example, “World of Technology”, “Empire of Electronics”, “Alpha Maximum”.


A good name for an electronics store - what is it?

Once you have compiled a list of names, you need to choose the name that has the greatest potential for the brand. Usually a good name meets the following criteria:


name-electronics-store Ease of pronunciation

A name heard on TV or seen in an online advertisement should be well remembered. To achieve this, you should choose a light, understandable and harmonious name. Also be sure to check how the store name sounds in normal conversation. For example:

- Today I was in Tekhnomir and bought a new gadget.

- Do you know what the prices are at Stereo Market?


name-electronics-store Conciseness

For a good name, it is best to use no more than 3 words. After all, the consumer simply will not remember a large number of words. For example: PULTOFF WORLD, Pixel Group, Top Android, Atlas Electronics.


name-electronics-store Good memorability

To make the name of the store well remembered, it is better to use words corresponding to the field of electrical engineering - strict and concise names (Electra, ElMart, MobiLine, Smartmi, Flash drive, etc.). It would be inappropriate to use diminutive vocabulary or cute names here.


name-electronics-store Uniqueness

There was once a case of international trademark infringement involving a small South Korean fried chicken restaurant and famous fashion designer Louis Vuitton. It is he who reflects why you should not resort to plagiarism. Designer Louis Vuitton has filed a lawsuit against the restaurant over the name "Louis Vuitton Dak" and the similarity of their logo to the famous brand. Ultimately, the court supported the fashion designer, and the restaurant was fined $14.5 million for non-compliance.

Therefore, plagiarism is considered a cheap trick and can negatively impact your business - even if the brand you are trying to copy or that inspires you is from a different industry. Even if you are not dragged to court for copyright infringement, this will affect the reputation of your store.


name-electronics-store Advertising Perspective

From a branding and marketing perspective, the name should fit well with the company's slogan and logo. This will help in the future in promoting goods and services.

In order not to miss a single criterion, entrust the creation of a name for an electronics store to the specialists of the WeLoveBrands studio. For advice, call us by phone or ask your question via chat.

Name for an electronics store: typical mistakes that can be avoided

There are times when newcomers to naming often make stupid mistakes, from which they themselves then suffer. If you are planning to create a business website and start choosing a name, consider the experience of previous entrepreneurs and avoid common mistakes. Among them:


name-electronics-store Use of professional vocabulary

The name should be universal so that every buyer can understand what kind of business we are talking about, but at the same time not contain standard words for the industry (Sotovik, Tsifrika, GameLife).



name-electronics-store Cumbersome name

A cacophonous name that is difficult to pronounce will also be difficult to spell correctly the first time. And if it is difficult to reproduce and remember in Ukrainian/Russian, then no one will remember it at all as a domain. Here are good examples of names for an electronics store: Citrus, MOBILLUCK, MOYO, Digital, etc.



name-electronics-store Domain name and title do not match

If there are different names and domains, then the client will be confused, and he will simply go to a competitor.


name-electronics-store Lack of associations with the product or brand features

Abstract names sound nice, but it is important that they carry some meaning or reflect the history of the company. Otherwise, the store will lose another marketing tool.


name-electronics-store Banal name

“Electronics” is a fairly standard name for a store in this area, but it does not stand out among its competitors in any way. The consumer will see and immediately forget this name.


name-electronics-store Negative meaning

You should not give preference to words such as “anti”, “down” and others with a regressive connotation. And obscene and rude language is generally prohibited in naming.


name-electronics-store Typos and errors

Some people believe that typos give names a special flair. In fact, they are often perceived as mere illiteracy.

How and where to develop a name for an electronics store

Developing a name is a very complex process that consists of many stages. Collecting information, thinking through a concept and other steps help create an original, effective name for an electronics store. Therefore, there is no point in turning to name generators for help, since they will only give you template ideas.

To develop a truly worthy name, you need to spare no energy, effort and money. We advise you to choose a worthy specialist to turn your ideas into reality. And there are two options:

  • Order title development from a freelancer

There are many online platforms where you can find a freelance specialist. Creating a name for him will cost about 25-50 EUR, but there is a risk that you will come across an incompetent specialist who will come up with a simple and uninteresting name.

  • Order logo creation from a company

The studio employs experts in their field, so they will do everything in the best possible way. You will be provided with several tariff packages that differ in terms of project delivery and other features. The cost of such work will be from $120.

If you want to get an effective name for an electronics store, order a service from the WeLoveBrands studio. Our specialists will be able to implement even the most complex solution. To order a service and clarify details, call us or write to chat.

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