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The best law firm logos


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The best law firm logos

Creating a logo for a law firm is more than responsible. Because one small image should convey the character of the company, its attitude towards its business and clients, and the essence of the profession as a whole. At the same time, the logo must be memorable and original, which is quite difficult to achieve, given the countless number of law firms, corporations and individual specialists. In this article we will show the best logos of law firms - extraordinary, catchy and truly talented works that can be safely called a role model.

Many people consider jurisprudence to be a boring profession that lacks creativity, vibrancy and creative approach. But this is an unfair opinion. The logos of the world's best law firms show that in this area it is possible to create something unique, non-standard and interesting. The main thing is to look at it from a new angle, and not be put off by the hackneyed, boring images of a judge's gavel, an ancient Greek column and Themis with the scales of justice. Although these images can be rethought and presented in a new creative presentation - and we will show you this with examples.

Purely legal symbols

It must be admitted that designers overuse the use of traditional legal symbols when designing logos for law firms. Without creativity, such logos are doomed to become faceless and get lost among their own kind. However, in an unusual design they begin to play with new colors, attracting attention with their novelty and fresh interpretation. So feel free to use these images as they will be instantly recognizable to your audience, but add some creative elements for a truly impactful design.

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Images that convey character

The legal profession is associated with many negative stereotypes, so many people use images that convey positive character traits and evoke good associations. In this case, the main thing is to think carefully about which quality is better to bet on. Win-win options for the legal field are reliability, honesty, authority, strength, and integrity. When choosing a character trait, use an image that is unmistakably associated with it and clearly conveys the chosen message.

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Logos that convey specialization

Not all law firms practice general law; many work in fairly narrow areas. The audience remembers logos well, which convey the direction of a particular company. Because they are perceived as something more personal, unique, occupying their own niche. Moreover, such logos make it possible to clearly convey the company’s specialization, which is greatly appreciated by the audience. Don't be afraid to tell more about yourself and your law firm in your logo.

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Logos based on name

Many law firms build their reputation based on their name. And this is not without meaning. By including your name in a logo, you can make a strong statement about yourself while clearly displaying the name of your legal practice. These logos may look like letters combined with icons or dynamic monograms, but in any case, they always instill in the audience a sense of confidence in the companies they represent.

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Logos with an emphasis on color

The human perception of color and its association with certain emotions is of enormous importance in logo design, including for law firms. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the color scheme, and sometimes make it the main visual emphasis. The colors that are used in a company logo can have very strong and far-reaching effects on the company's reputation. The color red is usually associated with strength and dynamism, while blue is associated with confidence and calm. The green color on a subconscious level is associated with money and/or is perceived as something new and fresh, while the purple color personifies aristocracy, luxury, and belonging to high society. Remember that the color in your logo design will make a statement about your company, so it's important to discuss your color palette in advance.

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Black and white logos

Considering that law firms work a lot with printed materials, designing a logo in black and white seems to be a more advantageous and thoughtful solution. Such a logo can always be printed on the simplest office printer, and there is no need to resort to the services of a printing house or special printing machines. And although they do not look as catchy as color images, they can also be designed in an unusual and stylish way.

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Any design work requires a creative approach, and law firm logos are no exception. You can and should also find interesting angles, unusual features and original images in them. And remember that it is better to entrust the development of a logo to proven specialists who can reflect the entire essence of your company, its character and soul in just one picture.

What should a lawyer's logo be like:

legal-logos   Laconic and understandable . The logo should be based on one clear idea. Do not overload the sign with numerous small details and fancy curls. It is better to use a simple and readable font.
legal-logos   Recognizable . The legal business is very competitive, so the logo should be a kind of beacon. Ideally, when people look at your logo, they can easily recognize it and associate it with you.
legal-logos   Memorable . The sign does not always have to clearly reflect the direction of the activity, so it is not necessary to use a judge's gavel, the image of Themis or scales. You can take any idea and adapt it to yourself using symbolism, associations or other techniques. The original sign will be well remembered and will distinguish you from competing companies.
legal-logos   Communication. A good logo carries a certain message, presents a company or specialist in an advantageous light, creates a positive image, and inspires trust and respect.
legal-logos   Harmonious . Logos of law firms, notaries and law firms should convey reliability and stability. Therefore, the design should use calm and noble shades, strict lines, shapes and unusual accents.
legal-logos   Universal . Since the brand name will be placed on different media and surfaces (letterheads, business cards, signboards, websites, souvenirs, etc.), it must have an attractive appearance everywhere.
legal-logos   Current . If you don’t want to change your logo every 2-3 years, don’t chase fashion, but make it neutral but beautiful, one that will be relevant for 5 or even 10 years.
legal-logos   Attractive . An effective logo attracts and holds the attention of the audience. It should emphasize status, but not be boring and arrogant; it should be catchy, but not oversaturated with emotions.


Logo for a law firm: types and styles

A brand name is a symbol of your business. It should attract customers and set you apart from your competitors. To achieve the desired result, you need to create a logo that suits you. For example, if you have a family business based on your last name, it is better to design a text rather than symbolic sign.

3 main types of logos:

  • Text or font. This type of logo is built on words or letters (abbreviations) that reflect the name of the company. The name, combined with the original font, forms a strong visual image. This sign is perfect for a family business, partnership practice and opening a new company.

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  • Symbolic or graphic. The design of such a logo is based on graphics and images. It creates a memorable image, differentiates it well from competitors (it is unlikely that two different companies will create similar symbols, unless they take traditional legal symbols as a basis) and visualizes the company’s activities.
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  • Combined. This is the most popular type of logo for the legal field. It is a combination of text and symbol. Creating such a sign allows you to achieve two goals at once - to ensure recognition and create a catchy accent.
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Which logo to choose is up to you. But if in doubt, contact our designers. They know how to turn a fresh idea into an attractive and recognizable brand name.

Law firm logo: which style to choose

How a client perceives a law firm largely depends on its visual image. An effective logo helps emphasize a lawyer’s individuality and helps strengthen his reputation, but an unsuccessful one, on the contrary, can deprive your business of uniqueness and recognition, as well as convince clients of your unreliability.

For a logo of a lawyer, notary or legal consultant to work for you, it must stand out among many similar ones, provide a guarantee of quality and increase the value of your services. This can be achieved using different stylistic techniques. Let's look at the most common ones in the legal field.

5 interesting solutions:

  • Geometry. Involves the use of simple shapes, lines, shapes and compositions. Perhaps this style can be found on legal logos most often. Such signs are laconic, they are not overloaded with elements and impart seriousness and stability.
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  • Dots. The element decorates the picture, turning it into an unusual one, but at the same time it is not common in the legal sphere. By choosing this style, you can create a logo that will stand out from the competition. Using different placements of dots, you can create simple or complex patterns (scattered at a distance from each other, put everything in one place, or combined with other geometric shapes).
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  • Logo in the style of coats of arms. Such signs are made in the spirit of the Middle Ages. They look majestic and status, help improve the company's image and command respect. This logo will be an excellent solution for family law firms and partner lawyers.
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  • Nature and fauna. Logos in this style convey special qualities and reflect character. To convey the desired message to the audience, you should choose a suitable image and use it in a brand name (owl, horse, eagle, lynx, lion, bear, etc.).
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  • Spirals, circles and ribbons. These simple symbols reflect unity and harmony and can therefore be used in the legal field.
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It cannot be said that one style or another is better or worse. Everyone is good in their own way. When choosing a design, you should start primarily from your personality and the message that you want to convey to the audience.

A logo will work only when it becomes a reflection of your character and inner core. Take these nuances into account and find the best option, and if you don’t know what will be more effective in your particular case, consult with the designers of our studio. This can be done by phone or online chat.

Classic logos in the legal environment

As a rule, logos of lawyers and law firms are quite conservative and restrained. Many use traditional legal symbols, neutral, calm shades and strict fonts. But since competition in this market is growing every year, this approach is already less effective than it was before. So what should you do: look for new ways or still remain faithful to traditional logos?

In pursuit of clients, you must clearly understand that you can achieve results only when you are recognized and distinguished from hundreds of others. To do this, the logo must be clear, memorable and attractive. It’s good if it hints to the audience about the specifics of your work and evokes positive associations, but at the same time it is not hackneyed.

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In this sense, classic logos work best because the legal symbolism is instantly recognizable. But to differentiate yourself from your competitors and create a compelling visual image, creatively play with traditional images and present them in a new light.

Adding original elements or reinterpreting a familiar symbol will create an effective, classic logo. Jurisprudence is a field that requires important qualities such as honesty, reliability, authority, strength and protection to be reflected in the sign. For this reason, traditional images are still relevant. Feel free to use them, but don’t forget about the zest, or entrust the logo development to professionals. To ask a question to our designer, call or write to the chat on the website.

Best Law Firm Logos in the USA

The legal sphere is very developed in the USA. Americans often go to court on various issues and in order to assert their rights; they have their own lawyers and legal consultants.

The competition in the American market is simply off the charts, and in order to somehow stand out in this stream, private lawyers and law firms resort to various techniques, including the development of catchy logos.

At the same time, signs are often made in a minimalist style using 1-2 colors, but with the addition of an accent - using a font, some symbol or an emotional image. All this is so that clients understand that this is a reliable and serious company that is ready to protect and defend their interests.

American logo examples:

  • Text. Such logos are found quite often. They are strict, business-like and are designed to emphasize the professionalism of lawyers.

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  • Combined. This is the most common type of logo in the United States. The company name is reinforced with a symbol, a thematic icon or an original image.

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Americans often design classic logos using traditional legal imagery, but also love to create unconventional imagery. Another common type of logo is one with an emphasis on family business.

Sample logos for law firms in Europe

The principles for creating lawyer logos in European countries are not particularly different from the USA or Ukraine. Text and combined signs are also more popular there, and to attract the attention of the audience and differentiate from competitors, they use unusual images and interpret traditional legal symbols.

European examples of logos:

The design features of European logos depend on the specific country, the mentality and temperament of its inhabitants. For example, in Germany the logo will be more strict and restrained than in Italy or Spain.

Logo in Germany:

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Logo in Italy:

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If you want to get an original and stylish logo for a bar, law firm or private notary, contact our studio. Designers will study the specifics of your business and develop a logo that will reflect your character, attract customers and set you apart from your competitors. For advice, call us or write to the chat on the website.

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