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Name for a brand of jewelry


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Name for a brand of jewelry

The process of creating a strong name for a brand is a whole art. And the jewelry business is no exception. All because the name is an important component of the image of any company. And the amount of profit from sales will ultimately depend on how thoughtful the image of your salon or online jewelry store is. In order for your brand to "sparkle" against the background of competitors, the name for it must be developed according to all the rules. You will learn about them and other features of creating an attractive selling name for a jewelry brand from the materials of this article.

How to name a jewelry collection: general requirements

On the way to the ideal name, it is important to know that in the end it should have the following characteristics:


Name for a brand of jewelry The ability to cause the desired associations . Jewelry products must be associated with brilliance, luxury, romance and other similar concepts. And, surprisingly, it is better to use words that are not directly related to the jewelry industry (such as "Starfall", "Glamour", "Temptation", etc.).

Name for a brand of jewelry

Aggressiveness . This is an essential condition for memorizing the name of a jewelry store or jewelry store. While searching for an answer to the question "How to name an ornament? ", you want to stand out among your competitors. To do this, study your niche and analyze the names of jewelry companies in it: which ones are unremarkable and simply blend in with many of their kind, and which, on the contrary, attract the eye and caress the ear.

Name for a brand of jewelry Conciseness . Again, a name for a jewelry store that is memorable should not be long in any case: the consumer simply will not remember at the right moment a name consisting of 4-5 words, and you will lose a potential buyer. The recommended length of the name is 1-2 words, which will succinctly and clearly convey the essence of your brand.

Name for a brand of jewelry Uniqueness . And, of course, do not copy what has already been invented for you, no matter how cool the brand name is. Moreover, you simply cannot register a trademark under a non-unique name from a legal point of view.


7 typical naming principles for a jewelry brand

All jewelry brand names can be classified into three groups. Each of them is characterized by one or another of the existing principles of building modern names:

Adding the word "jeweler" or one of its derivatives to the title .

This thematic group presents names with the direct occurrence of a noun or adjective with the root "jeweler" in various languages ("Esthet Jeweler", "Jewelry Fashion", "Jewellery Workshop", "Jewelry House"), as well as formed using its part (" Yuvel", "YuveLyrica", "Yuveros", "Gypsy jewel"). The partial use of "yuv" or "jewell" makes the association with the profile less obvious, but still understandable.

Name for a brand of jewelry


Inclusion of a word related to jewelry in the brand name .

You can not bother and choose any of the available names of stones: "Diamond", "Ruby", "Emerald", "Malachite", etc. But in this case, there is a high probability that one of the competitors in your niche already bears such a name. Therefore, in order to stand out among them, it is better to combine similar words and their derivatives with other vocabulary and get more interesting options as a result ("World of Pearls", "Diamond Family", "Sky in Diamonds", "Diamond Caprice", etc.) .

Name for a brand of jewelry


The use of the word "gold" and its derivatives in neima .

The majority of jewelry brands have names formed according to this and the following principle (with the exception of original names that do not cause obvious associations with a jewelry store). Among them: "Royal gold", "Golden key", "Gold style".

The use of the Old Slavic word "gold", in particular the female and male names formed from it: "Zlatograd", "Zlata", "Zlatomir", also helps to achieve an association with the precious metal for making jewelry.

Name for a brand of jewelry


The use of the word "silver" and its derivatives in neima .

"Silver" is the second most popular and widespread word in the names of jewelry after the word "gold". Adding it to the name of the jewelry company also allows for interesting thematic options (for example, "Silver Magic", "Our Silver", "Candy Silver").

Name for a brand of jewelry


Consonance .

The names "Adamas", "Diamida", "Aura" can be given as examples built according to this principle. The first name of the idea is based on the word "adamant" familiar to the Slavic audience - "almaz"/"diamond", which comes from the Greek words "adamas" or "adamantos". The resulting "Adamas" is consonant with both the familiar word "Adamant" and the obsolete name for diamond "diamond", which creates the necessary association with the jewelry sphere.

The basis for the name "Diamide" is the already mentioned term "diamond". The beautiful sound of the name also conjures up images of jewels. "Aura" sounds like the Latin name for gold - "aurum".

Name for a brand of jewelry


Using your name in the title .

This technique has become very popular in the West, where it is believed that the mention of the owner's name in the name of the brand is remembered by everyone and therefore brings success, especially if it aims to monopolize the jewelry market. The effectiveness of this approach is clearly demonstrated by the Austrian company "Swarovski", which is famous throughout the world for its jewelry with crystals. Its name comes from the name of the founder of the crystal empire - Daniel Swarovski.

And an important point: it is better to abandon the fashionable in the past suffix "off", borrowed from the English language (in the original "off"), when developing modern names for jewelry based on the name of the trademark owner. Unfortunately, such a move will not add coolness to your neim.

Creating new words or expressions .

Foreign vocabulary can be used as a basis for creating new words (neologisms). For example, such as "Goldius" (from the English "gold" - "gold"), "Silverina" (from the English "silver" - "silver"), etc.

The rest of the names of collections or jewelry houses that are found can be classified as simply original and sonorous names. Some of them at least hint at the company's specialization ("Family Values", "Talisman", "Platinor"), but there are also those that are completely unrelated to the jewelry profile of activity ("Byzantium", "Galand", "Edem" ").


Name for a brand of jewelry


Meaningful name for a jewelry store: what to get inspired by?

Finding that perfect name for your costume jewelry brand requires a source of inspiration. After careful consideration of the products, it can be any of the following:

# 1

The predominant color in the jewelry collection with its shades . In this case, the name can be based on:

One of the main colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple). For example, "Chervona Presnya", "Blue Lagoon" and others.


Name for a brand of jewelry


Black, gray or white color. For example, "Black Veil", "Grey Cardinal", "White Acacia".


Name for a brand of jewelry


One of many shades, including those derived from the names of stones and minerals ("Crimson Sky", "Lilac Haze", "Emerald Seduction", "Pomegranate Seduction").


Name for a brand of jewelry


# 2

Combination of colors . If there are several colors or their contrasting combination in the jewelry collection, then you can look for associations with the surrounding world. Perhaps they will remind you of late autumn, vacations by the sea, etc. As a result, such names as "Autumn Kiss", "Sea Breeze" and other various variations can be born.

# 3

Materials and elements . Elite accessories, as well as berries, flowers and leaves of plants give a wide space for imagination. Having manifested it, such strange word forms as "Waltz of flowers", "Berry cocktail" etc. are obtained.

# 4

The form of jewelry . In some gemstones, a clear geometric pattern can be traced, or models can be made in the form of circles, drops, stars, etc. Based on these features, jewelry can be named "Wheel of Fortune", "Spring Drop", "Star Time", etc.


Name for a brand of jewelry


# 5

Drawing of minerals used to create jewelry . The idea for the name of a jewelry boutique or individual jewelry can be suggested by a pattern in the form of a wave, leaf, etc., used in the work. For example, amethyst products with imitation of water patterns on them are logically called "Underwater Kingdom".

# 6

Natural phenomenon . Northern lights, mirages, belt of Venus, pearly clouds - any of these colorful phenomena of nature can serve as the basis for the future name of your jewelry brand.


Name for a brand of jewelry


# 7

Names of mythological heroes, legends, beautiful female or male names . Namers often turn to mythology for help. The names of such mythological heroes as "Callisto", "Helios", "Leda", "Hymeneus" are well suited for jewelry themes. You can also focus on the plot of one of the famous legends (for example, about a lucky four-leaf clover - and get the associative name "Talisman of luck"). Female and male names such as "Nefertiti", "Marlena", "Daniel", etc. are also suitable for the jewelry theme.


Name for a brand of jewelry


# 8

Beautiful nouns and adjectives . This category includes such words as "dreams", "lady", "mystery", "charming", "royal", "naughty" and many others that can come to the author's mind.

# 9

Interesting Facts . Probably not all of you know that the phrase "black gold" is a paraphrase that replaces the word "oil". And how many more such interesting facts can be found and included in the name of a jewelry or salon?


Beautiful names for jewelry: a list of rules for creation

There is no universal formula for building an ideal neim, no matter how many entrepreneurs, including those specializing in the jewelry business, would like it. But there are proven rules, the observance of which allows you to create an attractive name that will broadcast the correct message from the point of view of product promotion.

Therefore, before embarking on the direct development of a brand name for bijouterie or jewelry, you should first conduct a simple marketing research:

  1. Draw a portrait of your buyer . The first question that starts the "brainstorming" to find the concept of the future name is "Who is our product for?" » In order to get the most accurate answer to it, you need to characterize your future buyer according to the main criteria: gender, age, income level, social status, life interests. Based on this, you can get a rough idea of the lexicon

  2. Describe your product . In this case, it is important to take into account all factors: what is the range of products, at what price they are offered, what feelings are evoked in the buyer. Agree that the emotions given by the choice or purchase of wedding rings are different from those felt by a visitor to a store selling inexpensive jewelry.

  3. Make an associative series . Think about what the buyer associates with your jewelry, and write down all the options that come to your mind. For the same purpose, it is useful to conduct a survey among acquaintances and potential customers of the future boutique. Going through each of the saved names, you can find the most successful word, which by itself or supplemented with a suitable epithet will become a trademark.

No one knows the characteristics of your jewelry better than you, what is their "trick", etc. Therefore, when involving third-party specialists in the task of creating a name for them, we advise you to take the brief as seriously as possible so as not to miss any important detail. This increases the chances of choosing the exact name that will "speak" for itself for individual jewelry, a jewelry collection, or a store.


Three taboos in naming for a jewelry boutique

When coming up with a name for a jewelry collection or jewelry salon, it is important to avoid three fatal mistakes that can turn off customers and ultimately lead to the collapse of your business:


Name for a brand of jewelry Do not use Soviet-style names . Times are changing, and the name of the "Zorya" jewelry salon is no longer "touched" by a modern person - it can even cause rejection. This especially applies to the younger generation, among whose representatives there are quite a lot of paying customers, the loss of which is extremely unprofitable for any business.


Name for a brand of jewelry

Do not overdo it with pathos . Do you think that the words "luxury", "best", "elite" and the like in the brand name will help to increase its status in the eyes of consumers? Unfortunately, this is not the case (although there are exceptions, but most often they concern exclusive limited jewelry collections). Moreover, the presence of such "loud" words in the title may be perceived by the target audience in a completely different way - as a "shout" about their budget.


Name for a brand of jewelry Do not cross the border . The originality of the name is good. What can not be said about excessive originality, which often causes only laughter (as, for example, in neima with an admixture of esoteric "Zen good" for a shop of handmade jewelry in the Buddhist style). No one forbids to show imagination, but it should be done correctly.


Is it worth inventing beautiful names for jewelry in Latin?

If you are thinking about whether or not to give your jewelry brand a foreign name, before making the final decision, answer the key question: will your jewelry stores be located in big cities, and in the future do you plan to enter international markets?

If the answer is positive, you can safely choose a word written in Latin letters as a name for your company (for example, "Aurum", "Silver Queen", "Jewelry Hall", etc.). In this case, it will not be incomprehensible to an advanced audience, so it will be easier to remember for buyers, who will more often recommend your brand to friends and acquaintances.

If the answer is negative, then do not try to give status to the future name in this way: a less progressive public is unlikely to understand its meaning, and a fictional name will not make your trademark popular and recognizable.

What requirements should the name of an accessory store on the Internet meet?

  • Correspond to the price segment . Agree that the online trade of everyday jewelry and the online trade of exclusive jewelry are aimed at different groups of buyers. Therefore, the names for each jewelry collection should be appropriate (for example, the simpler "Leona" is suitable for the first option, and the more aristocratic "LePerle" for the second).

  • Match the domain name . What will happen if the name of the jewelry house is not identical to the domain name? People simply will not be able to quickly find your online store in the search engine, as a result of which they will make purchases from competitors who did not make such a mistake when registering the site.

    Name for a brand of jewelry

  • To be combined with the design of the corporate style . If you already have an idea for a logo or sign, come up with a name in the same style. Otherwise, dissonance will arise if the brand bears the name "Golden Fish" and the design of the company's elements is made in silver tones.

  • Exist without binding to an address . Some entrepreneurs insert the addresses of offline sales points into the names of their jewelry stores ("Jeweler on Nevsky", "U Nikitska", etc.). What can this lead to? But to the point that if the store moves, the name will have to be changed, otherwise there will be no logic in such a name. The same will have to be done when opening a new jewelry boutique at a different address in connection with the expansion of the chain's business.

  • Contribute to the promotion of the online store . It is good if the title contains a key query or thematic word ("pendant", "carat", etc.). Such an online store will be easier to promote in the TOP of search results.

    Name for a brand of jewelry


Glamorous online store name: a list of jewelry-themed examples

Online stores of world jewelry brands :

  • Cartier;

  • Bulgari;

  • Swarovski;

  • Tiffany;

  • Chopard;

  • Damiani.


Name for a brand of jewelry


Online stores of Ukrainian jewelry brands :

  • The Golden Age;

  • Silver Age;


  • SOVA Jewels;

  • Kochut;

  • Oberig jewelry.


Name for a brand of jewelry


Do you want a stylish name for your jewelry brand that will help attract customers? Then, to order a naming service, write or call us - and the specialists of the WeLoveBrands agency will offer you a choice of several bright and semantically strong names.

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