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Name for a shoe store


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Name for a shoe store

Do you want to open your own shoe store? However, are you afraid that you will choose the wrong name for it? This fear is inherent in many businessmen who are not familiar with the features of creating selling brand names. But if you have already started reading this article, you are in luck: in it we will share with you interesting and useful information on how to competently approach naming in the field of shoe sales.


What should be the ideal name for a shoe brand?

By and large, no one forbids you to call a children’s or adult shoe store any beautiful name that is absolutely unrelated to the product offered (“Bravo”, “Come il faut”, “Favorite”, etc.). The only condition is that it must not violate the requirements prescribed in legislative acts regarding the prohibition of the use of profanity, discrimination based on gender and nationality, etc. But will such a name help your brand become recognizable and popular? It is unlikely.

Therefore, naming for a shoe brand, as for any other business line, is based on certain principles. So, the name should be:


Name for a shoe store Corresponding to the assortment . A name that evokes an association with shoes or walking greatly simplifies the identification of your brand in the market (“Euroshoes”, “Pedestrian”, “Sea of Shoes”, etc.).


Name for a shoe store Easy to pronounce and easy to remember . If the name comes to mind quickly, it will be easier for potential customers to find your store.


Name for a shoe store Bright and original . Try to ensure that your name is not similar to the names of competing shoe companies, but is completely different, otherwise it will simply get lost in the crowd.


Name for a shoe store Evoking positive emotions among consumers . “Easy Step”, “Dream Shoes”, and other positively colored names are well perceived by potential consumers.


Name of children's shoe store: development details

Name for a shoe store


When you are tasked with coming up with a name for a children's shoe store, the first thing you need to start with is finding out the age of the audience for whom the product is designed:


Name for a shoe store If these are kids (from 0 to 3 years old) , then they don’t care what the name of the retail outlet or brand of shoes is, because the purchasing decision in this case is made exclusively by the parents. It is welcome if the names of brands or shoe stores for this age group evoke associations with the youngest representatives of the children's audience: “Baby Stomps”, “First Step”, “Lapochka”, etc.

Name for a shoe store Preschool children (from 3 to 7 years old ) are already beginning to show a little initiative. Therefore, you can shift the focus towards playful and humorous names. Alternatively, these could be names tied to children's fairy tales or cartoons: “Octopussy”, “Toptyzhkin”, “Cinderella”, “Obuvenok”, etc.


Name for a shoe store

When it comes to schoolchildren (from 7 to 12 years old ) , you need to take into account the fact that their opinion already significantly influences the choice of things and where to purchase them. Therefore, it is important for the seller to please the child himself. And since a child at this age wants to appear older, namers recommend avoiding names in diminutive forms, and focusing on choosing from more neutral options: “Promenad”, “Crocs”, “Sandalia”, etc.

Name for a shoe store Teenagers (12 years and older ) are the most picky category in terms of choosing clothes and shoes. Their preferences are strongly influenced by the tastes of idols and authorities among their friends. Youth or slang names of shoe stores can attract the attention of a teenage audience: “Tip-top”, “Shoes mix”, etc.


Men's shoe brand: features of finding a suitable name

Name for a shoe store

If we are talking about a brand of classic men's shoes, strict and respectable names are suitable for it (for example, “Barker”, “Aristocrat”, “Elegant Style”, “Prestigio”).

Name for a shoe storeName for a shoe storeName for a shoe store

A brand for the production of sports shoes for men should be associated with strength and endurance, so it is appropriate to call it “Strong Boots”, “Night Runner”.

The name of the owner may be used in the title. Thus, the brand ceases to be impersonal, because the consumer sees a specific person behind it. In particular, this technique is suitable for those who are going to make individual shoes to order. Among the options already existing on the market are “Antonio Biaggi”, “Garamyan Shoes”, etc.

Name for a shoe storeName for a shoe store


What is an attractive name for a women's shoe boutique?

Name for a shoe store


Name for a shoe store

Unlike naming for a men's shoe store, when choosing a name for a women's shoe boutique, preference should be given to more sophisticated, delicate and elegant ones: “Miss Feet”, “Lady X”, “Celestina”.


Name for a shoe store The name can be constructed using alliteration - a technique, the essence of which is the repetition of the same or homogeneous consonants in words (for example, “Vzuta cool”, “House boot”).


Name for a shoe store An offline or online boutique of women's shoes can be named after its owner or designer of original models: “Kira Chernaya”, “Nani Shoes”.




Sports shoe store: recommendations for choosing a name

Name for a shoe store


Name for a shoe store Focus on high quality, practicality and reliability of the product. For example, giving it the name of one of the mountain peaks (“Everest”, “Montblanc”, etc., the conquest of which requires truly first-class equipment).


Name for a shoe store Present the product as the personification of achieving leadership positions in the world of sports (“Champion”, “King Shoe”, “Shoes No. 1”, etc.). In this case, the name “hits” the emotions of the consumer, who subconsciously imagines himself in the rays of sports glory if he wears the coveted model.


Name for a shoe store Emphasize the competitive advantages of shoes: convenience and comfort to wear (“Step Comfort”, “Flying Gait”), low/promotional prices (“Best Price Shoes”, “Shoes Discount”).



Naming shoe models/collections: tips and successful examples

Before you start developing a name, you need to clearly define the positioning in the market: these are budget shoes for low-income buyers, branded shoes for more solvent consumers, or exclusive ones for a discerning public who are accustomed to purchasing luxury goods. If these are shoes that will be sold at low prices, then the simpler the name, the better, and in this case it can be playful and humorous: “Econom Shoes”, “Buy and Run”, etc. And when it comes to expensive shoe brands, you need to focus on pretentious and shocking names like “Feet Elite”, “Cavaletto”, “Premiata”, etc.

When choosing a good name for a shoe collection, you can use words from your native language or foreign ones: “Lapotok”, “UggiModa”, “Salamander”, “SuperStep”, etc.


Name for a shoe store


It is allowed to combine nouns and adjectives, as well as add prefixes and suffixes that will characterize your shoes as accurately as possible and distinguish the product range from competitive offers. For example, “Four Seasons”, “King Size”, “Boot”, “Fora Shoes”, etc.

It is known that the use of rhyme in the name contributes to its better memorability. Therefore, in some cases, you can come up with interesting names from several rhyming words: “Shoes for use”, etc.

Name of online shoe store: selection rules and general recommendations

Is your goal to launch your own online shoe store? Then you can’t do without choosing a suitable name, because in combination with the corporate design of the site it will form the image of your brand.

What rules must be followed in this case ?

  • Firstly , the domain name corresponding to the invented name should not be taken.

  • Secondly , the domain name must match the title. Examples of names that are directly associated with shoes include the following: “Your pair”, “Step by Step”, “Top-top”, etc. Names that include one or another type of shoe (sneakers, dress shoes, boots, slippers, etc.) are also thematic, so they can be successfully used: “Keddo”, “Hairpin”, “Boot”, “Pair of Slippers”, etc.

And so that the name of your online store helps sell, when selecting it, we advise you to take into account a number of the following recommendations:

# 1

A good name might include the words "shoe"/"shoemaker" . In this case, the name of the store becomes thematic, and upon seeing it, the buyer immediately understands what group of goods he can buy here. You can use adjectives, nouns and create various phrases based on them: “World of Shoes”, “Shoe District”, etc. Some names may also indicate additional products that can be purchased in the online store: “Leather goods and bags store”, “Fashionable shoes and denim store”, etc. But at the same time, your name should have some kind of “zest” so as not to overlap with those already existing in the niche.

# 2

The name may be associated with the country of origin of the shoes . Most often they use names or words from the language of the country in which the shoes are produced. For many years, Italian and German brands have been considered the standards of high-quality branded shoes throughout the world. That is why the names corresponding to the country of shoe manufacturing are so common: “Baden Shoes”, “Moda Milano”, “Deutsche Schuhe”, “Rimini”, etc.

# 3

A shoe brand can be named after a character from a mythological or fictional story . Thus, an American company that specialized in the production of sneakers began to be called “Nike” in 1978 in honor of the ancient Greek goddess of victory Nike, the patroness of athletes.

# 4

The name of a shoe store or shoe manufacturing company can be formed by an acronym (shortening words) . For example, this principle was used to coin the name of the German trademark for the production of clothing, shoes and accessories “K&S” (short for “Kennel Schmenger”).

# 5

A name can be formed by merging several words into one . In particular, the first and last name of the business owner. This is how the world-famous name of the sportswear and footwear company “Adidas” was born, the founder of which was named Adolf Dasler (and his close friends called him Adi). The brand name “Geox” has a similar origin: a fusion of the Greek word “geo” - “earth” and the letter “X”, symbolizing modern technology.

# 6

The basis for creating a shoe brand name can be an analogy . By associating a name with the correct association or stereotype, you can get a cool and memorable name. A striking example of this is the German brand of sportswear and footwear “Puma”, the mention of which immediately brings to mind the image of a graceful feline. Or the American company Reebok, whose name in Afrikaans translates as “swift-footed African antelope with sharp horns.”

# 7

The name may be humorous . Among the successful names for an online shoe store are “From the Hip”, “Under the Heel”, etc. The main thing is not to overdo it in pursuit of a creative comic name.


Is it worth coming up with a name for a shoe store in a foreign language?

Undoubtedly, yes . Names in Italian or German especially attract the attention of consumers (as you know, shoes from Italy and Germany have gained a reputation as the highest quality in the world, so such brand names automatically evoke an association with a trustworthy product). The names of shoe brands in English are also quite common.

But there is an important point : in order to draw a parallel between the shoes you offer and a foreign analogue by using a “catchy” name, your product must be of high quality. Otherwise, the consumer who is tempted by the big name and buys your shoes will be disappointed in the purchase and will not return to you as a customer.

The list of the most famous foreign names of luxury shoe brands includes :

  • Christian Louboutin;

  • Baldinini;

  • Jimmy Choo;


  • Manolo Blahnik;

  • Sergio Rossi.


Name for a shoe store

The best sports and casual shoe models are called :

  • Adidas;

  • Reebok;

  • Nike;

  • Puma;

  • Geox;

  • ECCO;

  • Rieker.


Name for a shoe store

What criteria should you look for when creating a name for a shoe boutique on Instagram?

When starting the delicate and painstaking work of creating a shoe brand name for an Instagram account, it is important to know that all names here are indicated in Latin letters. In this case, any of the following criteria can be selected as a basis:


Name for a shoe store The target audience . If you plan to organize the sale of shoes specifically for women/men/children, then this concept should be included in the name of your account (for example, “obuvka_women”, “men_shoes”, “leboots_kids”, respectively).


Name for a shoe store

Region . The regional reference usually indicates the location of the shoe store's warehouse (or its actual location if sales are also carried out offline). This allows users to pre-filter the accounts they are interested in in order to be able to come to a store to try on shoes in their city: “shoes.dnepr”, “krossovki.kiev”, etc.


Name for a shoe store Product range . The name can be chosen depending on whether you are going to sell domestic or imported shoes. In the first case, the options “nasha_obuv”, “ukrainian_standart” are suitable, in the second - “evrorazmer”, “italian_fashion”, “turkish_bazaar”.



List of attractive shoe brand names on Instagram

  • Lapti_up

  • Bomond

  • Shoes

  • Keds

  • Laboratoriya shoes

  • MiniBoots

  • Escadora

  • Artshoes

As you can see, not all of the listed names directly indicate the specifics of a business account. But thanks to their sonority and positive associations, they first fall into the memory of Instagram users, helping to increase the number of clicks to the profile and attract new subscribers, and then into the hearts of consumers, provided that the product meets the expected quality and level of service.

Do you want your shoe name to “catch” customers at first glance? Then contact the WeLoveBrands marketing agency for naming services. We will help you competently, originally and stylishly package your brand for any target audience.

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