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Original name of the clothing store


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Original name of the clothing store

“H&M”, “ZARA”, “Mango”, “Adidas”, “Arber” are great names for clothing stores, aren’t they? They sound so good, easy to pronounce, and memorable. “I wish my boutique could come up with such a cool name!” - if this is your thought, then it’s not in vain that we gathered here. We are here to share knowledge and experience in naming, and you are here to absorb useful and interesting information. Let's get started.


How to name a store: basic requirements

In principle, you can call a clothing store any word you like. But for a name to gain popularity and eventually turn into a recognizable brand, it must meet the following requirements:

euphony Be euphonious . Each sound, syllable and word carry a certain semantic and emotional load. Therefore, it is important that the name of the clothing store fits well on the ear, and that it is easy and pleasant to pronounce. After all, if the client doesn’t even know how to read/pronounce the name correctly, he’s unlikely to mention it in conversations with friends. And he simply won’t remember.

memorable Easy to remember . Sometimes, in order to stick in the memory of buyers, the name must rhyme, sometimes very simple, and in some cases even provocative. You decide. But keep in mind that the style of the name for a clothing store should be related to the specifics of the establishment. It is better to use simple names for sportswear and men's clothing stores, rhyming ones for children's clothing, provocative ones for youth clothing and lingerie stores (although this is also a controversial issue). In general, target audience analysis will help.

match-fit Relevant . In the sense that the name of the store should correspond to its assortment. Otherwise, the client will have cognitive dissonance, he won’t understand what’s what and will pass by, or simply won’t come a second time. Therefore, you should not write “Blue Moon” on the sign if the store sells luxury suits for business men.

legal Be legal . The name must be free for registration. Well, this is all clear - a brilliant idea to plagiarize someone else’s title (even by accident) usually ends very badly.

looks-like Be visually clear . When choosing a name for your clothing store, be sure to consider how it will look on a sign or billboard. If the letters are mixed, confused and difficult to read from a distance of 50 m (and this often happens with the letters “M” and “L”, “C” and “Shch”, “Sh” and “Shch”, “D” and “ L"), so the name is so-so. It is better to modify it or think about another option.

opportunities Suitable for advertising perspective . Having chosen the name of the store, think in advance what kind of logo and slogan you can create for it, so that everything together looks harmonious and stylish.

In order not to bother yourself with all these subtleties and complexities, let the professionals of the WeLoveBrands studio solve this problem. We know how to express tenderness, brutality, openness, sexuality and even cuteness using sounds and words in the name of a clothing store. And develop the perfect logo, slogan and corporate identity for all this.

Name for a women's clothing store: features

First of all, you must remember that the naming of a women's clothing store should be aimed clearly at your target audience. It is desirable that the name conveys the market segment as clearly as possible, so that customers know exactly where they are going. For example, to stores with the names “Opera”, “La Scala”, “Cashmir”, etc. women with average incomes will not go. Just like the wives of aligarchs and businesswomen most likely will not go to the stores “Fine Fashion”, “Discont House”, “Fairs”, “Turkey”, etc. Therefore, it is so important to clearly understand what audience the store’s assortment is intended for.

Still, there are several general approaches to choosing a name for a women's clothing boutique:


Mix syllables or letters from names or owners (or one owner)


Add ending -off or -ff to last name or any word


Make an abbreviation or shorten a word


Use place names


Come up with a new word. It is important to consider here that neologisms are always remembered worse. In addition, promoting a name - a neologism - requires large investments.


Stylize the owner’s first and last name into a foreign language (most often Italian)


Just choose a beautiful/effective sounding foreign word


Use words related to the topic of clothing

There is another approach that always gives excellent results - order naming of a clothing store from the professionals of the WeLoveBrands studio. While you are selecting clothes for your new collection, we will select the perfect name, slogan and logo for your store.

Name for a men's clothing store: subtleties of brutal naming


The name of a men's clothing store also needs to be chosen based on the target audience and market segment. And if in the case of a women's store it is enough to show beauty/fashion/style (sometimes status and high cost), then in the case of a men's boutique the name should also inspire trust.


If you doubt that the title conveys the right meaning to the audience, it is better to test it in a focus group. Remember that the name must fit harmoniously into the overall concept of the store, assortment, style and price category.


When naming men's stores, you cannot use words with negative connotations. For example, the names “Dude”, “Macho”, “Alphonse” and the like evoke not very pleasant associations. Any banality in the style of “Cavalier”, “Oblik”, “Alexander” and the like is no better perceived. And “Kashtan”, “Bogatir” and “Trembita” do not stand up to any criticism at all.


It is much easier to choose a name if there is a franchise. Actually. and you don’t need to pick anything up - you just use what you have. In many cases, this is even better, because such names often come to us having already been tested by consumers in other countries. The only thing you should pay attention to is to check how the name fits the ear and whether it evokes strange/funny/indecent consonances. Well, check his translation, of course. Tom Tailor", "Emporio Armani", "VD one", "Tommy Hilfiger", "Arber" have taken root on the market and are already perceived as their native ones.


The names sound original and fresh. taken from slang (you can use different languages, by the way). For example, “Bad Boy”, “Look at Ya”, “Benya & Zubrik”, “Meat”, “Braga” are catchy and perfectly memorable. Because they are unusual, catchy, bold. “Lion” and “Senator” are also good names, but of more status for men’s clothing stores.

Naming a children's store: do we do it for mothers or for children?

When faced with the task of choosing a name for a children's clothing store, you inevitably face a choice: who really is the target audience? Who should the name appeal to more: mothers or their children?

In fact, there is no one answer for such a category of consumers as children. To choose the optimal name, you need to rely on the age of the children. After all, cooing with teenagers does not work, just as youth slang words do not encourage mothers of little toddlers to shop.


From 0 to 3 years - the purchasing decision is made exclusively by parents (mostly mothers). Therefore, the name needs to be developed for them. Within this framework, the name can be sweet, gentle, affectionate and even funny. In general, to convey all the emotions that new parents feel towards their baby. For example, “Leva”, “Babyzone”, “MaMalyuk”, “Bembi”, “Tapitoshka” are excellent options for this category.


From 3 to 7 years old - a child can take the initiative in choosing clothes and a store, so it is better to choose words that are a little more “mature” as names than in the previous paragraph. In addition, at this age children are very funny, which provides an excellent opportunity to use humor in naming. For example, “Shket”, “Yagoza”, “Tago”, “Funny Bunny” are great.


From 7 to 12 years - the child chooses clothes independently, taking an active position. For this category, it is better to use relatively neutral names that do not give any hints of childish cuteness. “Island”, “Daniel”, “Shopster”, “Thr box”, “Panda”, “Kidzaza” and so on will work well from this position.


From 12 years and older - this is already a teenager, an emerging personality that requires self-expression. And at this age, children are already well versed in fashion and prices of things, and strive to stand out as much as possible through clothing. Boring names (like boring clothes) do not attract them. Therefore, it is better to use slang or cool words when naming a teenage clothing store. “Stuff”, “Vsi Svoi”, “KAPKAN”, “Karman” and everything in this style are excellent options for teenage stores.

In general, to create the perfect name for a children's clothing store, it is enough to understand the psychology of these four age categories. Or don’t bother and transfer this task to WeLoveBrands studio. The studio's namers are well versed in psychology and slang, so they will develop the perfect “catchy” name. Whether it's women's, men's or children's clothing, everyone will remember the name of your store.

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